
Flight Log: Gran Canaria GCLP -- Sevilla LEZL 01.12.2015

Distance: 817 NM
scheduled Flying time: 5:40 hrs
Filed Route:
ATIS Gran Canaria:
Take Off Time: 8:15h
ATIS Seville:
Landing Time: 13:55h
01.12.2015 Gran Canaria/Seville:
We’re now pretty familiar with the airport in Gran Canaria and we were looked after well by our handling agent. Everything worked out perfectly. Martin drove the van over the airstrip to photograph various planes while I got the plane ready for take-off. We didn’t need any aviation fuel because our spare tank was full enough to take us to Brazil. After taking off, our route led us this time to Lanzarote which I knew well from paragliding. After a while, we saw Casablanca in the distance and flew along the coast of Africa’s to Tangiers and Gibraltar before landing in Seville. The fuel-pump attendant there talked to me about the Hannover 96 and Seville soccer clubs. He commented that he would like 96 to win because he was fan of another club in Seville and would enjoy the rivals seeing defeat. Then a handling agent came on the scene. He was on the phone and talked non-stop, regardless of the fact that we couldn't understand him. So he wasn’t exactly friendliness personified and didn’t even bother to help us carry the luggage.
So that wasn’t really the positive impression of Seville that Martin had told me about. According to him it was an attractive town on a river and a place you enjoy going to. We’ll have to see!

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One more word and I’ll strangle you
One more word and I’ll strangle you
Gran Canaria 2nd departure
Refuse-collection guy
Canaria olé!
Uwe’s nightmare – no turbines turning
Back over water again at last
Time for a quick snack
Time keeping
It parted here
Cloudy water
Pure cloud
Fun and games with the pumps
African beach
Near by
Strange sights
Homes in a circle
Uwe’s happy
Pretending they can't stand one another...
... looking happy for the camera
Somewhere nearby
Spanish fields
More of Seville
James Bond was here …
… and Uwe und Martin here
Manual flight …
… by a past-master
Seville here we come
Suspension bridge
Spanning the river
Round Spanish building
Parking space
Messing around
Peeking out of the shirt
This guy…
… is a …
… true …
… escape artist
After all he did …
… practise it thousands of times
globeflight rallye ・ c/o Jott & Pee Marketing – Kommunikation – Werbung GmbH ・ Kirchröder Straße 66c ・ 30625 Hannover ・