
Flight Log: Sevilla LFZL -- Son Bonet (Mallorca) LESB 02.12.2015

Distance: 494 NM
scheduled Flying time: 3:45 hrs
Filed Route:
ATIS Seville:
Take Off Time: 7:50h
ATIS Majorca:
Landing Time: 11:35h
02.12.2015 Seville/Son Bonet:
After receiving permission to take off, we flew up into the sunny Spanish skies. From our plane we kept seeing fantastic olive groves, but also massive solar power stations and hundreds of wind turbines on the slopes of the hills. The Spanish are experts in this game. They set up wind turbines where the wind is – i.e. on the hills. We on the other hand tend to put wind turbines in valleys outside wooded and hilly areas so as not to spoil the scenery.

It was not until during the flight that we realised we would have to spend two hours flying over water between the Spanish mainland and Majorca. So we had to dig out our lifeboats first from the luggage to have them at the ready in any emergency. Shortly before the coast we had our lifeboats close to hand and could continue flying in peace. At the Son Bonet airstrip, procedures are similar to Hildesheim. But after landing all the papers were properly checked, both those belonging to the pilots and the permit for the DEMCA. Everything was completed in a very friendly atmosphere. The taxi was there in ten minutes and we set off for the hotel that Martin had chosen for us.

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Seville A400
Seville A400
Almost done
No time for larks
As you can see
Spanish mountain
A small problem
With a big impact
Majorca calling
Dotted fields
Jagged mountains
Gentle undulations
globeflight rallye ・ c/o Jott & Pee Marketing – Kommunikation – Werbung GmbH ・ Kirchröder Straße 66c ・ 30625 Hannover ・