
Journey Impressions: Cascais

Cascais: Population approx. 0.20 million (2011)
Portugal: Population approx. 19.4 million
Population growth (2010-2015): 0.0%
People per km²: 113
Gross national income per person in 2014: 21,320 USD

24.11.2015 Cascais:
In the dark we took a taxi and were in a hotel half an hour later. It was called Grand Real Villa Italia in Cascais. It was located directly on the coast with a fantastic view that we were able to soak up because there was a full moon that night. However, we were too tired to enjoy it for long, so there are no further impressions to report.

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Typical view from a window in Cascais
Typical view from a window in Cascais
Typical Cascais shipping
Typical taxi drivers
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