German pilots flying around the world to land in Edinburgh on September 10
Pictures for Press Release 22
Reunion in Vancouver: Round-the-world flyer visits his father
Cessna's longest non-stop flight takes around eleven hours
German pilots fliying around the world to land in Taipeh on August 18
German pilots fliying around the world to land in Hong Kong on August 12
Single-engine plane from Germany lands in Vancouver
Twin city Hanover sends red roses from the sky
The rose-painted plane to land at Phnom Penh International Airport on August 9
Red roses float from the sky
Pilot on official mission
Pilot to visit 88 year-old father in Canada
Pilot Carstensen puts his friend from Husum in the cockpit Press Releases II. Stage
58,000 kilometres in 270 hours flying a Cessna
The Carstensens support education initiatives in third-world countries
The JOTT & PEE "ground station" provides a professional PR service
After a forced landing, satellites help locate the pilots
The pilot… and his motives
Pilots trust in the robust nature of the jungle plane
58000 kilometres in 270 hours flying a Cessna Press Releases I. Stage |
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