A life-long dream held by the passionate private pilot, Uwe Thomas Carstensen in Hanover, was to fly round the world in a small single-engine plane, testing his aeronautical skills and getting to know as many countries and people as possible at the same time.
He fulfilled this dream in 2007. On March 14, he took off from Hanover on the first leg of his round the world flight in his rose-painted Cessna. On April 19, he had reached the Australian metropolis of Sydney.
And on August 1, the rose-painted aircraft set off from there on its second leg.
After a total of around 230 flying hours, or 28,000 NM — about 52,000 km — they were back to were they started out.
On September 14, pilot Carstensen safely landed his Cessna T206H Stationair, identified as D-EMCA, on the runway at Hanover Airport.
Which successfully ended the 138th round the world flight.
This website outlines in detail the preparations required for this adventure and what aeronautical challenges Uwe Thomas and his two co-pilots had to cope with during the different stages of the flights.
But there’s also room for the pilots’ impressions as tourists and above all the encounters with so many people that have spawned a variety of new friendships.
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